Smart Analytics in Ministry of Defence, Vietnam

For the ministry of defence the goal is to ensure the high level of security in the territory (to prevent intrusion) and perform a search in the archive if required. This must be tested and proven since it’ll effect the stability of a country and it’s economics.

The main reasons Eocortex is chosen were because of the complete features, fast intelligent search, system health check and different levels of system configuration rights. Here are the some of the intelligent modules used in the building

Using Suspect Search module, you can search (shape, color, size) and reconstruct the route of a person you are looking for down to a minute. This will allow you to quickly find a suspected offender and dispatch security forces to capture him/her.

Thus, you will be able to ensure the safety of staff and visitors of a government facility, avoiding the damage to your property.


With Face Recognition you can:

  • integrate module with access control system of a hotel
  • create a database of photos of “trusted” and “blacklisted” people
  • receive automatic notifications to your monitor, phone or e-mail regarding infiltration attempts perpetrated by people who do not have access rights
  • search for fragments with the detected face in the video archive, search for people in the video archive using their photos


Thru the use of the Abandoned Object Detection module, you can:

–  prevent a possible terrorist attack

– promptly inform people in the danger zone for their subsequent evacuation and rescue from a government facility

– identify the person who left the object on the territory of a government facility and organize search for him or her without delay.

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